In the center of the platform is a large quantity of supplies and weapons-players may choose to loot these (though risking being attacked by other players) or directly flee into the wilderness, similar to the beginning format of The Hunger Games. At the start of every game, all players start off on a platform in the middle of the island. The environment consists of the usual island of Ark with slight modifications. Like in Hardcore mode, players can not respawn after death, so once killed, they have lost the game,but can still spawn like a ghost and go around and watch the game. For game balance, stats have been altered so tamed dinosaurs are no longer as powerful, and engrams, craftables, and supply drops have been rebalanced, and are automatically learned upon leveling up. The game takes place at an accelerated pace, with leveling, gathering, taming, and building happening at quicker rates. Survival of the Fittest is played on servers with special settings.